A Son's Plea - Words & Music by E. Keali`i Blaisdell

On a clear sunny day
Sitting down was a boy beside the road
Crying his heart out to himself, saying, "I wish I were never born"

So I asked this boy if he's okay, and he told me what was wrong
How can a father hurt his only son
But all he said was,
"Oh God, what have I done to be the anger in your life,
I never asked to be in this world that you call life.
How, I wish my daddy would be a different man
Oh Lord, please lend me your hand"
So into my arms he cried out all his pain and suffering
Oh God, please give him your knowledge, your strength and understanding

To help this poor boy understand what his father is putting him through
Has nothing, nothing to do with you

Source: E. Keali`i Blaisdell Album "Keeping It Traditional"- The composer wrote this song as a testament of his past experiences growing up as a child. Like all children growing up in the 70's and 80's, child abuse was a growing concern in Hawai`i because there were no such laws protecting children from abuse. Copyright 1996, E. Keali`i Blaisdell