E Ô Mai - Words & Music by Keali`i Reiche

Kâua i ka wai
Wai olohia o Kahualoa
Kokôhi i ka wai puhia
E ku`u aloha, e ô mai

Kaomi i ka wai
Wai mâpuna hâ`ale i ka poli
Pahe`e i ka wai lohia
E ku`u aloha, e ô mai

Puhemo i ka wai
Wai welawela hô`eha i ka ili
E inu i ka wai a kena
E ku`u aloha, e ô mai

We two in the water
The sighing waters of Kahualoa
Hold back that driven current
O my love, answer me

Restrain those waters
Surging wellsprings, stirring the heart
Glide on those waters as they sparkle
O my love, acknowledge me

Then, release the torrent
Waters of passion, burning the skin
Indulge until you are satiated
O my beloved, respond to me

Source: E Ô Mai CD by Keali`i Reichel, Copyright 1997, Punahele Productions, Inc